Friday 14 October 2016

Know about the names of the Months

The names of  the months in English (as well as in many other languages) come from Latin words.

Januarius - this month was dedicated to Janus, The roman god of doors. Janus had two faces one looking back (at the old year) and the other one faces forward to the new year.                  

Februarius - This month was dedicates The roman purification festival 'Februa' , which took palace at this time of the year.
Martius- from mars the roman god of war 

Aprilis -from aperire, Latin for open, because plants being to open during this month.
Maius - probably comes from Maia, The roman goddess of growth and increase.
Junius - either from a Roman family name Junius, which means young, or perhaps after the goddess Juno. 
Julius - after Julius Caesar. This month was named in Caesar's honour in 44 BC.  
Augustus - named in 8 BC in honour of Emperor Augustus Caeser in 8 BC.
September's name comes from 'Septem', which means "seven" in Latin.
October's name comes from octo, Latin for Eight and the eighth month of the  roman calendar.
'November' comes from novem, Latin for 'nine'
'December' comes from decem, Latin for 'tenth' and the tenth month of roman calendar. 

Thursday 13 October 2016

25 most Interesting Facts of Apple Inc.


  1.  Apple Inc. is the world's largest IT  company by revenue and total assets,  it  is the  second  largest mobile phone  manufacturer after Samsung  Electronics. 
  2.  Apple Inc. employs over 115,000  peoples across the globe. 
  3.  Apple Headquarter's employees earn  an average of US$125,000 a year.
  4.  There is better chances of getting  accepted to Harvard University than getting a job at  Apple Store.
  5.  Almost 30% of Apple's A8 chipset made by Samsung that go into Iphone 6 (2014).                                                                              Souce 
  6.  Apple have so much money, that he could buy Disney or Coca Cola and pay in Cash.
  7.  Apple earns $300,000 per minute.
  8.  Apple has more operating cash than U.S Treasury.
  9.  If you use I tunes which is an apple software, you agreed nt to use Apple products to  create nuclear weapons.
  10.  Smoking near apple's Computers voids the warranty.
  11.  Apple sold 340,000 I phones per day in 2012.
  12.  The Retina Display of Apple's ipad is actually manufactured by Samsung Electronics.
  13.  Everything you say to siri is sent to Apple, analysed and stored.
  14.  Apple's worldwide annual revenue $233 Billion for the fiscal year ending Sept., 2015.
  15.  Apple's goodwill is worth $119 Billion. It is world's most valuable brand (thereafter,  Microsoft and Google.)
  16.  In the first quarter of 2014, Apple earned more than Google, Facebook and Amazon  Combined.
  17.  Apple is worth more than entire Russian stock market. 
  18.  Apple iphone consumes $0.25 worth of electricity per year if it's fully charged once a  day.
  19.  When the first prototype of i pod is shown to steve jobs, he dropped it in an aquarium  and used the air bubbles to prove there was empty space and it could be made smaller.
  20.  The battery of Apple Macbook could save you from gunshot, it is bullet-proof.
  21.  Apple launched a clothing line in 1986.
  22.  Apple Iphone is almost twice more expensive in Brazil in comparision to United States.
  23.  Rounded corners on a rectangular devices have been patented by Apple Inc., In U.S
  24.  Apple recovered 2,204 pounds of gold from broken Iphones in 2015 (worth almost  $40 million).
  25. An Iphone Contains about 0.0012 ounce of gold, 0.012 ounce of silver and 0.000012 ounce of platinum.

10 interesting Facts about Water

  1.  Almost 97% of water in the earth is sour (salty) or undrinkable. Another 2% is locked in glaciers. Only 1% is fresh.
  2. The United States uses about 346,000 million gallons of fresh water every day.
  3. The average cost for water supplied to a home in the U.S. is about $2.00 for 1,000 gallons, which equals about 5 gallons for a penny.
  4. Water expands by 9% when it freezes. Frozen water (ice) is lighter than water, which is why ice floats in water. 
  5. Cold water is lighter than hot water. Source 
  6. By the time a person feels thirsty, his or her body has lost over 1 percent of its total water amount. Source  
  7. Drinking too much water too quickly can lead to water intoxication. Water intoxication occurs when water dilutes the sodium level in the bloodstream and causes an imbalance of water in the brain.Water intoxication is most likely to occur during periods of intense athletic performance.
  8. Pure water has no smell and no taste, it also has a pH level around 7. 
  9. Water is the second most common molecule in the universe. The most common is hydrogen gas, H2. Souce
  10.  The biggest known cloud of water vapour was discovered by Nasa scientists around a black hole 12 billion light years from Earth. There is 140 trillion times as much water in it as all the water in the world’s oceans. 

Tuesday 11 October 2016

18 Most Important and interesting Mobile Phone Facts

Hello friends.Today's topic is about some most interesting information about mobile phones. I have read many articles  and after 5-6 hours I deciphered some of the most interesting facts which you may not know. Please pardon me for any typing or grammatical mistakes. So coming to the topic. 
At this age, Mobile phone industry is the fastest growing industry. According to the latest reports, For 2017 the number of mobile phone users is forecast to reach 4.77 Billion. By 2019, it is expected to pass 5 billion Mark. It is very crucial Device for everyone in this globe.  They made our life simple and they help us in many way.
Here are some of the most interesting and amazing Facts about the cell phones. I hope you like these facts. Please comment me for my work. You are free to give some suggestions for improvement on my posts :

Apples I phone 7 Plus ( Matte Black ) Source - Technical Guruji Instagram

1. Nokia 1100 is the best selling electrical gadgets and the most popular phone still today; it sold more than 250 million units. Nokia 3210 is the second most popular phone which sold 100 million units.

2. The success of Nokia can be gauged from the fact that 12 out of 15 bestseller phones were manufactured by it(the remaining three were all made by Motorola).

3. Nokia 3310 is said to be the fastest mobile phone still today.

4. The Mobile phone has more computing power than the computer used for the Apollo 11 moon landing.

5. Motorola's DynaTAC 8000x was the first Handheld Mobile set . On 3rd April 1973, Martin Cooper made the first mobile telephone call.

6. In 1983, the Dyna TAC 8000x was the first commercial mobile set in US, sold for $4000.

7. Apple sold 340,000 iphones per day in 2012.

8. Mobile phones have 18 times more bacteria than toilet handles.

9. 90% of the mobile sets in Japan are waterproof. 
Samsung S7 Edge (Right) Nokia 3310 (Left), Source- Technical Guruji's Intagram

10. You Can charge your cell phone by plants by taking green energy, Barcelona-based firm Arkyne Technologies created the pot, Dubbed 'Bioo Lite', which harnesses energy from photosynthesis and transforms it into electricity.

11. 70% of phones are manufactured in China.

12. Taking selfie is quite a dangerous endeavor among peoples. According to a study, more people have died by taking selfies than by shark attacks.

13. I phone 5 Black diamond is the costliest phone ever in the world, it cost $ 15 million , made of 135grm of solid gold inlaid with 600 white diamonds.

14. According to the latest data supplied by TRAI in 2016 , India has crossed 1 billion Mobile Internet user and expected to grow over 55% by June 2016.

15. In 2002, BlackBerry releases its first smartphone. But the first true Smartphone was made by IBM's Simon Personal Communicator.

16. The first phone to include dual sim functionality was the benefone twin, released by benefone in 2000. Sorce

17. Around 80% of the world, population has a mobile phone.

18. More people have a mobile phone than toilets, According to a UN report there are 6 billion mobile phone users in the world, But 4.5 billion have a toilet.

 Sources :



Sunday 9 October 2016

About Me

Hello, I am Harsh I'm new in blogging. I have most  of latest science related news and some other Facts and Technology stuff. Due to shortage of time i am unable to improve my blog. Please wait for days, I'm learning the thing in Blogger. Please help me to improve by your suggestion and by telling my mistakes. I promise to give latest stuffs about Tech and Science y weekly. Please motivate me to improve. Thank You. 


·         The combined wealth of top 85 richest people is equal to the half of the world's Population                                                                                                                                                 Almost half of the world's wealth is now owned by 85 peoples (which is equal to just 1% of world's population). This would resulted political capture and economic inequality. The World Economic Forum has identified economic inequality as a major risk to human progress and impact of social stability.

                  1.       In 1983, the first mobile phones went on sale in the US at almost $4,000 each                     which translates close to into Rs 2.5 lakh today.
2.       90 percent of mobile phones in Japan are waterproof because youngsters use them even in the bathroom.
3.       In the year 2012 Apple sold more than 340,000 iPhones per day, which is around 4 per second.
4.       Former Motorola inventor Martin Cooper made the first handheld mobile phone call on a prototype DynaTAC model on April 4, 1973.

Saturday 8 October 2016


     1.   Toothpaste can be used to polish your silver jewelry as it helps in removing          its tarnish! It shouldn’t be used on pearls though.
  1. Toothpaste also helps you get rid of that ugly zit on your face. Dab some toothpaste on your pimple at night and watch it disappear in the morning.
  2. A few hundred years ago, people didn’t know about the importance of brushing. So they developed black rotten teeth as a result of having too much sugar. This is what happened with Queen Elizabeth 1.
  3. Toothpaste contains seaweed that gives it consistency while being squeezed on to the brush.
  4. Toothpaste also contains detergent! It helps in foaming the paste when you brush!
  5. If a bug bite is bothering you, dab some toothpaste and get rid of that itch.
  6. Toothpaste can also stick posters to your wall without any damage.
  7. While grinding aluminum or steel, toothpaste gives them a mirror finish.

Sources : , Facts Legend